28.4 The Top-Level Targets

The targets all, dvi, ps, pdf, html, clean, distclean, test, check, install, and uninstall are considered to be top-level targets as well as the targets defined in Section 28.10 and in Makefile.def.nw (or Makefile.def.allprose.nw if Makefile.def.nw does not exist).

Furthermore, it is assumed that the building process is called exclusively from within the PROJECTROOT directory.

353testing the library 353  (346)  356
check test: all test.dir
        cd test; $(MAKE) $@

check, used in chunks 408, 510, 553, and 561.
test, used in chunks 351a, 352, 403, 539, 547, 550, 551, 553, and 563.

Uses all 346.