43.1 Read Test Cases

Convention 31 We have the convention that a .signatures.as file contains in its first line the name of the corresponding test domain in a form similar to the line
  -- TestMyBinaryPowering

if and only if the corresponding .as.nw file is really a test file and not merely a support file.

See Section 41.4.3 for the generation of .signatures.as files.
561read signatures of testcases 561  (559)
open(SF, $TCASFILES) || die "File $TCASFILES not found";
while(<SF>) {
    chomp; #remove trailing newline;
    if (/testcases /) {
        s/.*\///; # strip off ’testcases’ and directory part

        #now check whether there is a prefix that must be added
        if (/([^ ]+) (\w+)/) {$file=$1;} else {$file=$_;}
        $file .= ".signatures.as";
        $domain = ’’;
        &getSignaturesRecursively(0, $domain, $file, $file);
get signature data 562

Uses check 353.

We modify the global variable $DATA. However, such a modification is only done, if the first line in the file $file in $depth zero matches the regular expression

^-- Test(.*)

Otherwise, this signature file is considered to correspond to a test support file and is therefore skipped completely. Files corresponding to #include lines will recursively be included so that we get the full exports list.

562get signature data 562  (561)
sub getSignaturesRecursively {
    my($depth, $domain, $file, $sigfile) = @_;
    if ($depth > 100) {die "Signature inclusion: recursion depth > 100";}
    open(FILE, "$sigfile") || die "File $sigfile not found";
    while(<FILE>) {push @lines, $_}

    for $line (@lines) {
        if ($depth == 0 && $line =~ /^-- Test(.*)/) {
        if ($domain eq ’’) {last;}
        chomp $line; # remove newline character
        if ($line =~ /^#include "(.*)"/) {
            &getSignaturesRecursively($depth+1, $domain, $file, $1);
        } else {
            push @{$DATA{$file}{’lines’}}, $line;