41.5 The TestSuite Executable

The file test/TestSuite.as is generated by tools/generateTestSuite.pl.nw from the source files that are listed in test/tcasfiles.list.

By making the target check, the test suite is compiled and executed.

Which variant is actually built depends on the setting of the variable VARIANT. If it is not set, the first variant mentioned in VARIANTSTOBUILD is used.

In order to check a certain variant, one should, for example, issue

make VARIANT=debug check

where debug is an entry in VARIANTSTOBUILD. Without giving the VARIANT explicitly, the first value of VARIANTSTOBUILD is taken by default.

553generating and executing the TestSuite 553  (539)
test: all TestSuite.as

TestSuite.as: tcasfiles.list $(SRCS:%=%.signatures.as)
        $(PERL) $(TOOLS)/generateTestSuite.pl tcasfiles.list \
                ${PROJECTNAME} > TestSuite.as

check: test
        if [ -z "$(VARIANT)" ]; then \
            $(MAKE) check.$(firstword $(VARIANTSTOBUILD));\
            $(MAKE) check.$(VARIANT);\

$(VARIANTSTOBUILD:%=check.%): check.%: test
        $(MAKE) EXECUTABLE=TestSuite executablevariant.$*
        @echo "*** Starting $(PROJECTROOT)/TestSuite$(VARIANTPOSTFIX$*) ***"

Uses all 346, check 353, CP 350a, executablevariant 449, PERL 427b, PROJECTNAME 124, PROJECTROOT 346, SRCS 464a, tcasfiles.list 547, test 353, TOOLS 423b, VARIANTPOSTFIX 131, and VARIANTSTOBUILD 128.