41 Makefile for the Directory test

 41.1 Building the TestCases Library Variants
 41.2 Documentation Generation
 41.3 Code File Generation For Tests
 41.4 Interdependencies of the Aldor Source Files
 41.5 The TestSuite Executable

The file test/Makefile.nw contains variables and targets to compile the source files below the directory test (as specified in the variable ASFILES) into the target libraries src/libtestcases.al and src/libtestcases.a.

The variable TCLIBRARYNAME is defined here. The variable LIBRARYNAME, is globally defined in Makefile.def.nw. The value of TCLIBRARYNAME must be different from the value of LIBRARYNAME. There is certainly no need to deviate from the default definition, which is testcases. In fact, there are places that rely on the value testcases. See tools/generateTestCases.pl.nw and tools/generateTestSuite.pl.nw. The variable TCLIBPREFIX should also be kept at its standard which is tc and should be different from the value of LIBPREFIX as defined in Makefile.def.nw.

538values for TCLIBRARYNAME and TCLIBPREFIX 538  (546)

TCLIBPREFIX, used in chunks 540, 546, and 547.
TCLIBRARYNAME, used in chunks 540 and 547.

We assume that

$(MAKE) all

has been successfully completed in the directory src. So that we tacitly rely on the existence of some files in that directory.

This file (test/Makefile.nw) is rather similar to src/Makefile.nw, but we take dependencies on LIBRARYNAME into account. Furthermore, we impose a certain structure on the .as files in order to keep them simple and generate signatures and testsuite wrappers for the whole testsuite automatically.

We build only one variant of the libraries as specified through the variable TARGETLIBRARIES.

539* 21+   536b  554
#--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf@hemmecke.de)
#--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

building library variants 459
doc file generation 460
code file generation 462
generate interdependencies of files 466
generate signature files 549
generating and executing the TestSuite 553

Uses test 353 and THISDIR 346.