41.1 Building the TestCases Library Variants

The library for ordinary release is test/libtestcases.al and test/libtestcases.a. The exact name is specified by the variable TCLIBRARYNAME.

The target libraryvariants builds, in fact, several variants of the libraries and takes the dependencies given in test/Makefile.dep into account.

540building library variants 459+   (458 539)  459
VARIANTADDITIONALFLAGSordinary=-ltestcases  -laldorunit  -lextio  -lalgebra
VARIANTADDITIONALFLAGSdebug   =-ltestcasesd -laldorunitd -lextiod \
  -lalgebrad #-DTRACE
VARIANTADDITIONALFLAGSgmp     =-ltestcases-gmp -laldorunit-gmp \
  -lextio-gmp -lalgebra-gmp

all: checklib.extio checklib.aldorunit

        @if [ ! -f "${ALDORROOT}/lib/lib$*.al" ]; then \
                echo "============================================="; \
                echo "Cannot find the libary"; \
                echo "  ${ALDORROOT}/lib/lib$*.al"; \
                echo "It can be downloaded from"; \
                echo "  http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/software/aldor"; \
                echo "============================================="; \
                exit 1; \

VARIANTADDITIONALFLAGS, used in chunks 441b and 449.

Uses ALDORROOT 425, all 346, libraryvariants 441a, TCLIBPREFIX 538, and TCLIBRARYNAME 538.