42 Generate the Common Include File for the Test Cases

This Perl script is intended to generate the file include/testcases.as. It takes the project name (myalps) as an arguments, i. e., the value of the variable projectname as specified in Makefile.def.nw. The script outputs to standard output.

Test cases are built on top of the AldorUnit library which should be installed in ALDORROOT.

After giving a copyright notice we include the library of the project and the AldorUnit library.

According to whether or not the compiler directive DontNeedLibraryTestCases is set, we import an appropriate variant of the library. The variant depends on whether the assertion DEBUG is set.

This file relies on the fact that TCLIBRARYNAME is set to testcases.

This script is called from include/Makefile.nw.

554* 21+   539  559
#--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf@hemmecke.de)
#--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1) {
    print STDERR "Usage: $0 projectname\n";
    die "";


print <<EOF;
---- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf\@hemmecke.de)
---- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

#include "$projectname"
#include "aldorunit"

#if DontNeedLibraryTestCases
-- Library is not needed, so don’t load it

-- Selection of the appropriate portable object library
#if GMP
#library LibraryTestCases "testcases-gmp"
#elseif DEBUG
#library LibraryTestCases "testcasesd"
#library LibraryTestCases "testcases"

import from LibraryTestCases;
inline from LibraryTestCases;


DontNeedLibraryTestCases, used in chunk 190.

Uses projectname 124.