28.3 The Default Target

According to GNU convention, there should be a target all in order to build the whole program. In our case this compiles all variants of the .al and .a libraries.

No test code is compiled or executed. That is the purpose of the targets test and check.

In order to support an interactive test, we provide the target loop.

Nothe that the code below says alldefault instead of all. The target all comes earlier in the Makefile.nw, but at that time the variable RMrecursive is not yet defined, so we must delay all until Makefile.inc.nw has been included.

352the default target: alldefault 352  (346)
NOTESTDIRS=$(filter-out test, $(DIRS))
alldefault: checkALDORROOT
        -$(RMrecursive) lib
        $(MAKE) CMD=all $(TOOLS).code $(NOTESTDIRS:%=%.dir)
        $(MDparent) lib
        $(CP) src/lib$(LIBRARYNAME)*.a* lib

alldefault, used in chunk 346.

Uses all 346, checkALDORROOT 423a, code 432, CP 350a, DIRS 351a, LIBRARYNAME 124, MDparent 428, RMrecursive 428, test 353, and TOOLS 423b.