5.4 The Main Compilation Commands

There are only a few MAKE targets that should be known in order to build the libraries, the documentation, and the testsuite. With a fully functional ALLPROSE framework (see Section 9), it is only necessary to remember the following.



is meant to compile the whole library (without documentation and without tests).

Documentation is made by

make dvi

and the testsuite is compiled and executed by

make check

You could also use

make pdf  
make ps  
make html

for different forms of the documentation.

For less noise you can make MAKE silent, add the -s flag.

make -s dvi


make include-allprose-documentation dvi

if you want to include the documentation of ALLPROSE in the documentation of the project. (That is probably what you want in case you encounter ALLPROSE for the first time.)

Other top-level targets can be found in Section 28.4.

The following code chunk is intentionally left empty. It leads to an empty file allprose.tex (without extension .nw), which is unused. The code chunk is needed in order to simplify the code generating process of ALLPROSE.

36* 21+   190  192