39 Warn About Undocumented Files

This Perl script is intended to generate the file undocumented.tex if files are found that do not appear inside a sourcefile command in myalps.tex.nw,

The script should be called as follows

perl undocumented.pl $(projectname) allprosefiles.list \  
                     $(ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME) files.list

532a* 21+   503  532b
#--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf@hemmecke.de)
#--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

if (scalar(@ARGV) < 4) {
    print STDERR "Usage: $0 projectname allprosefiles.list ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME files.list\n";
    die "";

Uses allprosefiles.list 403, ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME 346, and projectname 124.

We do nothing if a certain file does not (yet) exist.

532b* 21+   532a  533a
if (! -f "$projectname.lsf") {exit 0;}

Uses projectname 124.

As documented file counts every file that either appears in the list of source files generated during the first LATEX run that compiles the project documentation. These names correspond to filenames appearing in a sourcefile command.

Furthermore, all files of ALLPROSE automatically count as documented.

533a* 21+   532b  533b
open(SF, "$projectname.lsf"); #$
while(<SF>) {if (/^\\SourceFile {(.*)}/) {$documented{$1}=1;}}
open(SF, "$allprosefiles");
while(<SF>) {if (/^(.*)\.nw/) {$documented{$1}=1;}}

Uses projectname 124.

Now we go through the list of files given by the filename that is given as the fourth parameter (files.list). (See target fileslist.)

If an undocumented file is detected, we stop the loop.

533b* 21+   533a  533c
while (<>) {
    if (! $documented{$_}) {
        $undocumented = $_;

Uses undocumented 436.

There is no need to write out a file undocumented.tex if no undocumented file has been found.

533c* 21+   533b  534
if (! $undocumentedFileDetected) {exit 0;}

We write out to the file undocumented.tex all the undocumented files together with some explanation.

534* 21+   533c  536b
open(DF, ">undocumented.tex");
print Section text 535
print DF "\\begin{itemize}\n";
print DF "\\item \\srcfile{$undocumented}\n";
while (<>) {
    if (! $documented{$_}) {print DF "\\item \\srcfile{$_}\n";}
print DF "\\end{itemize}\n";

Uses undocumented 436.

The text that introduces the list of undocumented files.

535print Section text 535  (534)
print DF <<’EOTEXT’;
\section{Undocumented Files}
  You should shortly describe in

print DF "\\srcfile{$projectname.tex}";

print DF <<’EOTEXT’;
  the following files by using the \usetexcommand{sourcefile} command.

Search for \usetexcommand{sourcefile} in

print DF "\\srcfile{$ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME.tex} ";

print DF <<’EOTEXT’;
in order to find some examples.

This section has been generated by the script
\srcfile{tools/undocumented.pl} called in the target
\usemaketarget{undocumented} in \srcfile{Makefile.inc}.

The section will automatically disappear if the following filename(s)
are written inside a \usetexcommand{sourcefile} command.

Uses ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME 346, projectname 124, and undocumented 436.