29.6 Undocumented Files

The file undocumented.tex is not really important. It is generated in order to see in the documentation that there are some (non-ALLPROSE) files that are not yet documented in myalps.tex.nw, i. e., they are not mentioned using the sourcefile command. The command includesourcefiles includes undocumented.tex if it exists.

In this case, an extra section is generated into the main documentation that mentions the undocumented files. As a punishment for not giving a short description of the file, it is not tried to include the corresponding .tex files into the main documentation.

We find out about undocumented files by comparing the files listed in myalps.lsf with the ones mentioned in the FILES variable in each Makefile. A list of all file is generated by the fileslist target.

435undocumented files 435  (422)  436
        -$(RM) files.list
        $(MAKE) $(FILES:%=%.fileslist)

        (f=$(@:%.fileslist=%);          \
        if [ "$(THISDIR)" = "." ]; then \
          p=$$f;                        \
        else                            \
          p=$(THISDIR)/$$f;             \
        fi;                             \
        echo $$p >> $(PROJECTROOT)/files.list)

fileslist, used in chunks 365a, 370, and 419.

Uses FILES 351a, PROJECTROOT 346, SUBMAKE 431, and THISDIR 346.
436undocumented files 435+   (422)  435
.PHONY: undocumented
undocumented: allprosefiles.list files.list
        -$(RM) undocumented.tex
        $(PERL) $(TOOLS)/undocumented.pl $(projectname) \
            allprosefiles.list $(ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME) files.list

undocumented, used in chunks 220, 376, 456, and 533–35.

Uses allprosefiles.list 403, ALLPROSELIBRARYNAME 346, PERL 427b, projectname 124, and TOOLS 423b.