24.1 Check for allprose.tex

In myalps.tex.nw appears a line12 that contains


It includes the ALLPROSE documentation if ifIncludeALLPROSEDocumentation expands to true. By default the ALLPROSE documentation is not included. See also include-allprose-documentation in Section 28.10.3.

194away to check whether allprose.tex has been included 194  (192)  195

Since it is perfectly possible (and actually intended) that the documentation of ALLPROSE should not be repeated in the documentation of the library, the library documentation still can contain optional references in case allprose.tex.nw is included. One simply has to put the additional documentation into a form like this.

  {Text that is taken if allprose.tex is included in myalps.tex.}%  
  {Text that is taken if allprose.tex is NOT included in myalps.tex.}

195away to check whether allprose.tex has been included 194+   (192)  194