27 Generation of HTML Code via TeX4HT

 27.1 Background Colors in HTML
 27.2 Crosslinks in Header and Footer
 27.3 Table of Contents per Section
 27.4 ProblemFix: Disabling Links and Index Generation
 27.5 ProblemFix: xnamedef
 27.6 BugFix: srcltx.4ht
 27.7 BugFix: Index

This is a TEX4ht style file and is intended to configure several commands defined in allprose.sty.nw so that TEX4ht can produce nice HTML output. We want the html output as close as possible to the dvi output.

Fortunately, TEX4ht works quite well without many modifications. There were only problems in connection with the srcltx and framed packages and in connection with hyperlinks and indices in section titles.

327* 21+   293  346
%--- Copyright (C) Ralf Hemmecke (ralf@hemmecke.de)
%--- http://www.hemmecke.de/aldor

4ht background colors 331
4ht crosslinks 332
4ht local table of contents 334
4ht disable links and index generation 335
4ht xname adjustment 339
4ht bugfix for package srcltx 342
4ht bugfix index 344